Therapy for Children and Teens

At Green Hills Family Psych, we embrace the opportunity for children and teenagers to learn that their hearts and minds need care, just as their physical bodies do. In doing so, our aim is that from a young age, children appreciate that therapists are individuals uniquely equipped to provide support and skills when times are tough.

Our hope is that these children know they can access this same support throughout their lives and create a generation where mental health is tantamount to physical health. Our goal is not only for symptom reduction; we created Green Hills Family Psych to be a training ground for resilience, preparing children to be adaptive, high-functioning, healthy adults by acquiring a coping “tool kit” early in life.   

Therapy for children and teens builds helpful thinking patterns, wise emotional expression, effective social problem solving skills, and healthy behavioral habits. Therapy is often indicated when youth have problems they can’t cope with on their own or when as parents and caregivers you feel you’ve exhausted your own resources for how to help. Providers at Green Hills Family Psych developmentally tailor evidence-based therapeutic techniques so that they are relevant, understandable, and memorable. We view it as an honor to be a part of your child’s life.

Dr. Herrington, Lina Roberts, Dr. Rebekah Travis, Cameron Mashburn and Rachael Hausin provide therapy for young children and teenagers.
Lauren Webb, Cameron Mashburn and Shawn Wright provide therapy for young adults.