Robert Mallard, MD
Dr. Mallard has practiced Pediatrics in Nashville for 46 years following his patients from birth through college. His experience affords him a unique understanding of typical development and developmental variations in children and families. Discovering each child’s strengths and weaknesses is a primary goal. As an advocate for his patients, Dr. Mallard values the importance and impact of the family on a child’s emotional and behavioral health.
Child behavior is a process of growth toward independence and maturation. Understanding the family and supportive systems is essential for success. Dr. Mallard collaborates with other professionals (educators, social workers, psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, primary care teams) in an effort to develop the best plan. Practical interventions and strategies for improvement follow a thorough initial evaluation. With a scientific and whole person approach to health care, he believes that trusted communication, dedication and commitment are essential. Dr. Mallard enjoys listening to his patients and families and helping them solve their problems.
Examples of areas of his work include:
1. Identifying developmental variation of infants, children, and young adults and helping families adapt to those differences.
2. Helping typical children and families with common issues learn to communicate in productive ways.
3. Identifying and providing intervention for patients with anxiety, social interaction difficulty, depression and behavior disorders.
4. Identifying and managing school and learning problems, ADD, ADHD.
5. Helping patients and families adjust to chronic health issues.
6. Helping families understand the relationship of children’s physical symptoms (headache, abdominal pain, fatigue) with the emotional influences of their lives.
7. Helping children with school avoidance.
Dr. Mallard and his wife are blessed to have daughters and their families living here. He enjoys exercise (pilates, walking, cycling, golf) and time with his family.